City of St. Paul Park 

on the Mississippi

Land Use Application Submittal Deadlines

Land Use Applications should be submitted 10 business days prior for Administrative review for completeness prior to the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting.  NOTE:  Some applications require longer review time per Code.

The Planning Commission meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.


Suggested Deadline Planning Review Public Hearing
9/30/19 10/4/19 10/14/19 NOVEMBER
10/28/19 11/2/19 11/12/19 DECEMBER
11/25/19 11/29/19 12/9/19 JANUARY
12/30/19 1/3/20 1/13/20 FEBRUARY
1/27/20 1/31/20 2/10/20 MARCH
2/24/20 2/28/20 3/9/20 APRIL
3/30/20 4/3/20 4/13/20 MAY
4/27/20 5/1/20 5/11/20 JUNE
5/22/20 5/29/20 6/8/20 JULY
6/26/20 7/3/20 7/13/20 AUGUST
7/24/20 8/17/20 8/10/20 SEPTEMBER
8/28/20 9/4/20 9/14/20 OCTOBER
9/25/20 10/2/19 10/12/20 NOVEMBER
10/23/20 10/30/20 11/9/20 DECEMBER



City of St. Paul Park, 600 Portland Avenue, St. Paul Park MN 55071