Boulevards : Mini Flags and Colored Paint
Ever wonder why flags and paint appear in your yard or business?
It's part of the "Call Before You Dig" program. Gopher State One Call grew out of response to a serious pipeline accident in the northern Twin Cities in July of 1986. Following the accident the Minnesota Commission on Pipeline Safety was created. In 1987 the centralized statewide notification center "Gopher Sate One Call" was implemented.
All underground utility companies are required to be linked with the "one-call" system. The location center receives calls from contractors, utility companies, and property owners and creates a locate ticket. The underground utility companies respond to the locate ticket by marking their underground utilities with paint or flags which represent their individual lines.
Minnesota Statute Chapter 216D requires anyone engaging in any type of excavation to provide advance notice of at least two business days to Gopher State One Call. The service provided by Gopher State One Call to excavators is free of charge.
Remember to call 811before you dig