City of St. Paul Park 

on the Mississippi

Composting (Yard Waste)

Compost Site - CLOSED

The City Council has made the decision to permanently close the compost site. Here are a few options for your yard waste disposal. These locations may charge a fee for yard waste disposal.

Rumpca Companies - Cottage Grove Compost Site
9600 Glendenning Road, Cottage Grove MN 55016 | 651-459-1556

Denmark Township - Gertens RES

12119 70th St South | 651-458-4412


Curbside Pickup - Tennis Sanitation
421 9th Ave SW, St. Paul Park, MN 55107 | 651-459-1887


Backyard composting

Refer to Washington County's website for resources and questions.


Make Quality Compost at Home

Like a simple recipe, your compost pile needs the right mix of ingredients in order to produce the best results.
City of St. Paul Park, 600 Portland Avenue, St. Paul Park MN 55071