Prowlers, Thefts and Suspicious People
If you see something or someone who you feel is suspicious in your neighborhood, please call 911 right away. If you think what you have seen does not warrant a 911 call or you wish to make a report on an incident that has already happened, please call the non-emergency number for the police dispatcher at (651) 439-9381. By leaving your name and telephone number it is easier for officers to thoroughly investigate incidents.
By reporting incidents when they are occurring you help your Police Department immensely in solving and preventing crimes. Often when taking crime reports we are hearing that someone heard or saw something in the middle of the night but didn't call it in when it happened. If you see someone acting suspiciously in your neighborhood don't confront them, but call the police department and report it. Please report any and all incidents such as prowlers, vehicle break-ins and thefts to the police department.