Zoning Verification
Before starting a business, call City Hall to verify the type of business your are considering is a permitted use within the the zoning district of your proposed location.
The City is divided into the following zoning districts. As defined in the Zoning ordinance each district identifies the permitted uses and conditional uses allowed. More information on zoning districts, maps and documents
Zoning Classifications
R-1 Single-family Residential
R-2 Single-and Two-Family Residential
R-3 Medium Density Residential
R-4 Southwest Area Residential
R-5 Manufactured Home Park
MU Mixed Use Zoning for Marina Area
B-1 Limited Neighborhood Business
B-2 Retail Business
B-3 Auto-Oriented Business
I-1 Limited Industrial
I-2 General Industrial
P-1 Park
P-2 Public/Semi-Public
RD River Development
FP Floodplain
Online Zoning Ordinance
Click Here to view: www.municode.com
Zoning Enforcement
The Zoning Department regularly inspects and patrols the city to investigate suspected Zoning violations. Zoning violations usually involve the operation of a use in an area that is not properly zoned for that activity. Suspected zoning violations may be reported to the Zoning Department.
For further information pertaining to zoning enforcement or to contact the Zoning Administrator call City Hall at (651) 459-9785.