City of St. Paul Park 

on the Mississippi

Renewal Of Liquor License

To renew your liquor license, you will need to:

1.  Verify that all the information on the renewal application is correct.
  • Any simple changes such as deletion of one officer in a corporation, or telephone numbers can be detailed on the back of the renewal form.
  • If Licensee Name has changed on the renew form, do not cross out old name and add new name.  Instead, submit a NEW application form and new liquor liability for the new establishment and $20 Buyer Card.

2.  Update license information on the renewal application. Failure to report information may result in revocation of license. 
  • If your establishment had a license rejected by city/township/county in the State of Minnesota, give details on the back of the renewal form
  • If your liquor license has been revoked in the past 5 years, give details on the back of the renewal form.
  • If your establishment or employees in the past 5 years have been cited for any civil or criminal law violations, give details on the back of the renewal form
  • Confirm that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued, if so, attach a copy of the summons.
  • Confirm that no interest directly or indirectly in another liquor establishment, be it manufacture, distribution or retail, or if so give details on the back of renewal form.

3.  Signature--sign and date the renewal application--"Licensee Signature"

4.  Payment--submit the Renewal of Liquor, Wine or Club License withe the required fee. Cashiers check payable to:  City of St. Paul Park

5.  Insurance--submit Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance (visit the insurance section for more details)

6.  Workers Compensation Insurance--submit proof of workers compensation coverage or certificate of compliance

7.  Taxes--Submit proof of current real estate taxes are paid to date

8.  For Sunday License holders--submit proof of establishment being a hotel, restaurant, bowling center, or club.



October--Renewal notices are mailed to establishments. 

November (first week)--Renewals should be submitted to the City Clerk no later than November 7th. 

November (3rd Monday)--Renewals are approved by Council.  

November--Renewals are sent to MN Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division for final approval

December--City Clerk mails license to establishments for posting

WARNING--Renewals received after first week of November: 

Any renewal applications received after the first week of November are at risk of not receiving their liquor license prior to December 31.   The last Council meeting for the year is the second  Monday in December.  Agenda items must be submitted one week prior.


City of St. Paul Park, 600 Portland Avenue, St. Paul Park MN 55071