RESIDENTIAL Licensed Haulers
Allows for the collection of all garbage, other refuse, white goods, recyclables from any residential dwelling within the city.
Trash HaulersWho picks up my trash and recyclables? You choose the hauler. The first step in choosing a trash hauler is knowing which haulers are licensed in the City of St. Paul Park. Then, start making some calls. Ask about price, services offered, and where your waste goes for disposal. RESIDENTIAL Licensed HaulersAllows for the collection of all garbage, other refuse, white goods, recyclables from any residential dwelling within the city.
COMMERCIAL Licensed HaulersAllows for collection of garbage, other refuse, white goods, and all recyclables, at any industry, business or multi-family residential dwelling within the city.
CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTER ONLY Licensed HaulersAllows for the use of dumpster used in connection with construction projects for the use of rubbish only.
What you should know before selecting a hauler |