Zoning Ordinance
The zoning ordinance contains information for citywide zoning rules by classification and regulations, overlay districts, setback, area, parking, sign, landscaping, and screening regulations.
Zoning DocumentsZoning OrdinanceThe zoning ordinance contains information for citywide zoning rules by classification and regulations, overlay districts, setback, area, parking, sign, landscaping, and screening regulations.
Zoning Map and DistrictsZoning Changes made after August 2010Comprehensive Plan Update ProcessThe City of St. Paul Park is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan 2030 - 2040
Comprehensive Plan 2008-2030-FinalAdopted April 5, 2010 St. Paul Park's Comprehensive Plan outlines the "big picture" for future development in relation to land use, water, storm water, sewer systems, parks, trails and roadways. Growth Area StudyDraft 6/30/05
St. Paul Park Annexation Planning AreaMarch 7, 2005
Rivers Edge Final AUAR & Mitigation Plan-Updated 2014Adopted 5/17/04 |