Zoning Map and Districts
The premise of zoning is that certain land uses may exist harmoniously in proximity to one another while others would be incompatible if situated too close. It is also generally accepted that many uses have location requirements that make some areas better for certain types of uses than others. The City has developed a number of zoning classifications, which are defined in the adopted Zoning ordinance. Each classification or district identifies the permitted uses and conditional uses allowed therein.
The City of St. Paul Park has the following zoning districts:
- R-OS Rural-Open Space Residential
- R-1 Low Density Residential
- R-2 Medium Density Residential
- R-3 Manufactured Home Park
- R-4 High Density Residential
- MX-1A Marina Mixed Use - Commercial
- MX-1B Marina Mixed Use - Residential
- MX-2A Transit Mixed Use - Commercial
- MX-2B Transit Mixed Use - Residential
- B-1 Downtown Commercial
- B-2 Highway Commercial
- I-1 Light Industrial
- I-2 General Industrial
- P-1 Park
- P-2 Public/Semi-Public
- RD River Development
- FP Floodplain
Copies of the City's Zoning Map is available at City Hall during normal business hours.