Reduce Waste at Home or Office
Office or Home
Use the "duplex" function on your copier or printer to make double-sided copies that reduce paper waste and saves money. Set the default mode on all machines for double-sided ("duplex") output.
Reuse paper printed on one side for making draft copies, fax cover sheets or notepads
Buy erasable boards as an alternative to paper.
Use self-stick fax addressing labels instead of printing full-size fax cover sheet (or use half-page sheets if you need to include a message with your fax)
Use electronic software presentations to reduce the use of transparencies and handouts.
Buy solar-powered calculators and other devices to eliminate the need for batteries.
Purchase refillable products such as pens, pencils, and tape dispensers
Reuse file folders and binders; applying new labels extends their usefulness.
Post information on bulletin boards or use e-mail rather than distributing paper memos