Lawn and GardensThe way we manage our yards and gardens can have a significant effect on our environment. Check out the pages in this section to get information that will show you how to have a beautiful, healthy yard that is also environmentally friendly. Don't rake leaves/grass into streetsEasy Ways to Reduce Water PollutionEliminate Paved Surfaces by installing alternativesKeeping our waters clean--can you eliminate paved surfaces or install alternatives?
Just a Dash Will Do - De-Icing AlternativesYou can reduce pollution of local streams, lakes and landscape vegetation by selecting the proper materials and methods for removing ice and snow.
Lawn FertilizationLawn Tips--Keep the Clover!Why Would You Want Clover in Your Lawn? Read On!
Landscaping tips to protect water qualityPhosphorus-Free FertilizerTree Planting TipsWetlands near residential areasVegetation and Sediment in Wetlands Near Residential Areas
The City receives many questions every year about what residents can do to the wetlands near their homes. The answer is that the best thing to do for a wetland is to leave it alone. Towards that end, we hope the following information is helpful. Yard and Garden CareKeeping your yard and garden beautiful and our waterways clean