City of St. Paul Park 

on the Mississippi

Zoning Applications

If you want to use your property in a way that is not allowed by its zoning, you will need to apply for a zoning change.  If you're  interested in a zoning change, these exceptions are not routinely granted and may entail expensive processing fees, so make sure you need a zoning change before you request one.

Application Process

  1. Submit Land Use Application along with application fee and escrow payment at least 10 business days prior to the Planning Commission meeting
  2. The Planning Commission meets to review variance requests on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the  Council Chambers at City Hall, 600 Portland Avenue.


Applying for a Variance

A request for a variance is needed when you are unable to meet the required guidelines established in Chapter 74--Zoning.  Some examples may be setbacks or size requirements for construction of a proposed building. 
City of St. Paul Park, 600 Portland Avenue, St. Paul Park MN 55071