StormwaterThe City of St. Paul Park's storm sewer system has three at-grade outlets discharging to the Mississippi River. Water collected by storm sewers is vulnerable to pollution. There are two sources of water pollution--"point" and "non-point". Point sources are those that have a specific location, such as an industrial facility that creates polluted water as part of its manufacturing processes. Non-point sources are those that do not originate from a specific location. They are the result of human activities and urbanization. Some examples of non-point sources of pollution are motor oil spots on a parking lot, salt and sand used on roads during the winter, construction waste, lawn fertilizer, pet and wild animal wastes and grass clippings. The pollutants are carried into lakes and streams by water, such as rain or lawn watering. Runoff from rain, lawn watering, snow etc. carrying these pollutants routes to hard surfaces and streets which is then collected by the storm sewer system. Pollutants also seep into soil through infiltration, potentially affecting the ground water table located below ground surface. Learn more....
In this section you will find ways you can help make a difference. Learn more by selecting the links below or in the menu to the left. Adopt-A-DrainClean water starts with clean streets
Car WashingWhat is wrong with car washing?
MicrobeadsMasses of plastic particles found in Great Lakes
Pet WastePrevent Storm Water PollutionIf you see anyone discharging any material other than rainwater in roadside ditches or storm drains, please report it.
Storm Drain StencilingStorm drain stenciling projects offer an excellent opportunity to educate the public about the link between storm drain system and drinking water quality. Swimming Pools and Hot TubsThe way we discharge water from our pools and hot tubs have a significant effect on our environment.
The City's Storm Sewer: Protecting Our Waters |